Saturday 24 December 2016

Bse Online Trading System Meaning

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AAII Ver: Asociación Americana de Inversionistas Individuales ABO Véase: Obligación de Beneficios Acumulados ABS Ver: Sistema de Bonos Automatizados ACAT Ver: Transferencia Automatizada de Cuentas de Clientes ACES Ver: Sistema de Ejecución Computarizada Avanzada ACH Ver: Unidades monetarias asiáticas AD El código de país de dos caracteres ISO 3166 para ANDORRA. ADB Ver: Banco de Desarrollo Asiático ADR Ver: American Depositary Receipt ADS Ver: American Depositary Share AE El código de país ISO 3166 de dos caracteres para EMIRADOS ÁRABES UNIDOS. El código de moneda ISO 4217 para Dirham de Emiratos Árabes Unidos. AEX Ver: Amsterdam Exchange AFA El código de moneda ISO 4217 para Afghan Afghani. AF El código de país de dos caracteres ISO 3166 para AFGANISTÁN. AFM Ver: Amman Financial Market AG El código de país de dos caracteres ISO 3166 para ANTIGUA Y BARBUDAAG. AI El código de país de dos caracteres ISO 3166 para ANGUILLAAI. AIBD Association of International Bond Dealers AL El código de país de dos caracteres ISO 3166 para ALBANIA. TODOS El código de moneda ISO 4217 para Lek albanés. ALT Sistema de Comercio Alternativo. Este término se define bajo la sección 301 de la Ley de Valores de los Estados Unidos. AM El código de país de dos caracteres ISO 3166 para ARMENIA. AMD El código de moneda ISO 4217 para Armenian Dram. AMEX Ver: American Stock Exchange AMPS Ver: Mercado de subastas Acciones preferentes AN El código de país de dos caracteres ISO 3166 para ANTILLAS NEERLANDESAS. ANG El código de moneda ISO 4217 para las Antillas Neerlandesas Guilder. AO El código de país de dos caracteres ISO 3166 para ANGOLA. AON Ver: Todos o ninguno orden AOR El código de moneda ISO 4217 para Angolan Reajustado Kwanza. AOS Ver: Sistema de Pedidos Automatizados APR Ver: Tasa de Porcentaje Anual APT Ver: Arbitrage Pricing Theory APT Ver: Automated Pit Trading APV Ver: Valor Prestable Ajustado APY Ver: Rendimiento Anual AR AR: Vea: Heteroscedasticidad Condicional Auto-Regresiva AQ El código de país de dos caracteres ISO 3166 para ANTARCTICA. AR El código de país de dos caracteres ISO 3166 para ARGENTINA. ARS El código de moneda ISO 4217 para el peso argentino. ARM Vea: Hipoteca de tasa ajustable ARPS Vea: Acciones preferentes de tasa ajustable ARPS Vea: Acciones preferentes de la tasa de subasta ARR Vea: Tasa de rendimiento promedio AS El código de país ISO 3166 de dos caracteres para AMERICAN SAMOA. ASE Ver: Bolsa de Valores de Atenas. ASX Ver: Australian Stock Exchange AT El código de país de dos caracteres ISO 3166 para AUSTRIA. ATP Ver: Arbitraje Trading Programa ATS El código de moneda ISO 4217 para Schilling austriaco. AU El código de país de dos caracteres ISO 3166 para AUSTRALIA. AUD El código de moneda ISO 4217 para la moneda del dólar australiano. AW El código de país de dos caracteres ISO 3166 para ARUBA. AWG El código de moneda ISO 4217 para Aruban Guilder. AZ El código de país de dos caracteres ISO 3166 para AZERBAIJÁN. AZM El código de moneda ISO 4217 para Azerbaiyán Manat. Banco AAA Se refiere a bancos que están calificados AAA por IBCA, Moodys Investor Service y Standard Poors. Abandono Parte que controla renuncia a los derechos de propiedad voluntariamente. Opción de abandono La opción de terminar una inversión antes de lo planeado originalmente. Acuerdo ABC Un contrato entre un empleado y una firma de corretaje que detalla los derechos de la firma que compra una membresía en NYSE para ese empleado. Capacidad de pago Se refiere a la capacidad del prestatario para hacer pagos de intereses y principal de las deudas. Ver: Coeficiente de cobertura de carga fija. En el contexto de los bonos municipales, se refiere a la capacidad actual y futura del emisor de crear suficientes ingresos tributarios para cumplir con sus obligaciones contractuales, contabilizando los ingresos municipales y los valores de las propiedades. En el contexto de la tributación, la noción de que las tasas de impuestos deben ser determinados de acuerdo a los ingresos o la riqueza. Retornos anormales El componente del rendimiento que no se debe a influencias sistemáticas (influencias de todo el mercado). En otras palabras, los rendimientos anormales son la diferencia entre el rendimiento real y que se espera resulte de los movimientos del mercado (rendimiento normal). Relacionado: exceso de retornos. Por encima del par. Ventaja absoluta Una persona, empresa o país tiene una ventaja absoluta si su producción por unidad de entrada de todos los bienes y servicios producidos es mayor que la de otra persona, compañía o país. Forma absoluta de la paridad del poder adquisitivo Una teoría de que los precios de los productos de dos países diferentes deben ser iguales cuando se mide por una moneda común. También llamado Vida Física Absoluta El período de uso después del cual un activo se ha deteriorado hasta tal punto que ya no puede ser utilizado. Orden absoluta de prioridad en los procedimientos de quiebra que exigen que los acreedores principales sean pagados en su totalidad antes de que los acreedores menores reciban cualquier pago. Absorbido Utilizado en el contexto general de las acciones. Los valores son tan largos como hay órdenes correspondientes para comprar y vender. El mercado ha alcanzado el punto de absorción cuando una asimilación adicional es imposible sin un ajuste de precio. Vea: Venda el libro. Abusive tax shelter Una sociedad limitada que el IRS juzga que está reclamando deducciones fiscales de manera ilegal. Sistema acelerado de recuperación de costos (ACRS) Lista de tasas de depreciación permitidas para propósitos de impuestos. Cláusula de aceleración Un contrato en el que se declara que el saldo impago se hace exigible y pagadero si se producen acciones específicas, como la falta de pago de intereses a tiempo. Depreciación acelerada Cualquier método de depreciación que produzca mayores deducciones por depreciación en los primeros años de la vida de un activo. El sistema acelerado de recuperación de costos (ACRS, por sus siglas en inglés), que es un esquema de depreciación permitido para fines tributarios, es un ejemplo. Aceptación Acuerdo contractual instigado cuando se elabora un borrador temporal sobre el mismo. El tirado asume la responsabilidad como el aceptante y para el pago en la madurez. Ver: Carta de crédito y aceptación bancaria. Política monetaria acomodativa Política del Sistema de la Reserva Federal para aumentar la cantidad de dinero disponible para los bancos para préstamos. Véase: Política monetaria. Cuenta En el contexto de la contabilidad, se refiere a las páginas del libro mayor en las que están representados diversos activos, pasivos, ingresos y gastos. En el contexto de la banca de inversión, se refiere a la situación de los valores vendidos y poseídos oa la relación entre las partes de un sindicato de suscripción. En el contexto de los valores, la relación entre un cliente y una empresa de corretaje que permite que el empleado de la empresa sea el agente de compra y venta del cliente. Véase: Declaración de la cuenta ejecutiva de la cuenta. Cuenta Ad Valorem Deber Impuesto de mercancías importado expresado como un porcentaje. Saldo de cuenta Créditos menos débitos al final de un período de reporte. Ejecutivo de cuenta El empleado de la firma de corretaje que maneja pedidos de acciones para clientes. Ver: Corredor. Parte de la cuenta Parte que solicita abrir un banco para la emisión de una carta de crédito. Conciliación de cuentas La revisión y ajuste del saldo en una libreta de cheques personal para que coincida con su estado de cuenta bancaria. Estado de cuenta En el contexto de la banca, se refiere a un resumen de todos los saldos. En el contexto de valores, un resumen de todas las transacciones y posiciones (largas y cortas) entre un corredor / distribuidor y un cliente. Véase también: Contrato de opción. Opinión del contador Una declaración firmada de un contador público independiente después del examen de los expedientes y de las cuentas de una empresa. El dictamen puede ser incondicional o calificado. Ver: Opinión calificada. Ganancias de contabilidad Ganancias de una empresa como se reflejan en su estado de resultados. Exposición contable La variación en el valor de las cuentas de una empresa en moneda extranjera debido a un cambio en los tipos de cambio. Insolvencia contable El pasivo total supera los activos totales. Una empresa con un patrimonio neto negativo es insolvente en los libros. Liquidez de la contabilidad La facilidad y rapidez con que los activos pueden convertirse en efectivo. Cuentas por pagar Dinero adeudado a proveedores. Cuentas por cobrar Dinero adeudado por los clientes. Financiamiento de cuentas por cobrar Un método de financiamiento a corto plazo en el cual las cuentas por cobrar son garantías para adelantos de efectivo. Véase: Factorización. Renta de cuentas por cobrar La proporción de ventas de crédito netas a cuentas por cobrar promedio, que es una medida de la rapidez con que los clientes pagan sus facturas. Inversor acreditado Se refiere a un individuo cuyo patrimonio neto o patrimonio neto con un cónyuge excede de 1.000.000 o cuyos ingresos individuales superaron los 200.000 o cuyos ingresos conjuntos con un cónyuge superaron los 300.000 en cada uno de los dos últimos años y se puede esperar que cumplan con Ingresos en el año en curso. Más detalles de las definiciones para los inversionistas que otros individuos se encuentran en la Regulación D de la Securities and Exchange Commission. Accreting Swap) Un swap de tasa de interés en el cual el monto teórico de principal aumenta con el tiempo, por ejemplo, como con un préstamo de construcción proporcionado en tramos a medida que se completa cada etapa del proyecto. Acreción (de un descuento) En la contabilidad de la cartera, una acumulación lineal de ganancias de capital en un bono de descuento en previsión de la recepción de par a la madurez. Convenio de contabilidad de acumulación Un sistema de contabilidad que intenta igualar el reconocimiento de los ingresos obtenidos con los gastos incurridos en la generación de esos ingresos. Ignora el momento de los flujos de efectivo asociados con los ingresos y gastos. Base de devengo En el contexto de la contabilidad, la práctica en la que los gastos y los ingresos se contabilizan a medida que se generan o incurren, independientemente de que hayan sido recibidos o pagados. Antítesis de la contabilidad de caja. Acumulación de bonos Un bono sobre el cual se devengan los intereses pero no se paga al inversor durante el tiempo de devengo. El importe de los intereses devengados se añade al principal remanente del bono y se paga al vencimiento. Beneficios devengados Los beneficios de pensión ganados por un empleado de acuerdo con los años de servicio del empleado. Descuento acumulado Los intereses que se acumulan en los bonos de ahorro desde la fecha de compra hasta la fecha de amortización o vencimiento final, lo que ocurra primero. Las series A, B, C, D, E, EE, F, I y J son bonos de descuento o devengo, lo que significa que el principal y los intereses se pagan cuando se canjean los bonos. Las series G, H, HH y K son bonos de renta y el interés semestral pagado a sus tenedores no está incluido en el descuento acumulado. Intereses devengados Se aplica principalmente a valores convertibles. Intereses acumulados entre el pago más reciente y la venta de un bono u otro valor de renta fija. En el momento de la venta, el comprador paga al vendedor el precio del bono más calculado multiplicando la tasa de cupón por la fracción del período de cupón que ha transcurrido desde el último pago. (Si un tenedor de bonos recibe 40 pagos de cupón por bono semestralmente y vende el bono un cuarto de la forma en el período de cupón, el comprador paga al vendedor 10 como la proporción de intereses de este último). El valor de mercado de un bono de descuento a medida que se aproxima al vencimiento (cuando es canjeable a la par) y no por la caída de las tasas de interés del mercado. Acumule recomendaciones de Broker / analista que podrían significar cosas ligeramente diferentes dependiendo del corredor / analista. En general, significa aumentar el número de acciones de un determinado valor a corto plazo, pero no liquidar otras partes de la cartera para comprar un valor que podría dispararse. Una recomendación de compra, pero no una compra urgente. Obligación de beneficios acumulados (ABO) Una medida aproximada del pasivo de un plan de pensiones en caso de una terminación en la fecha en que se realiza el cálculo. Relacionado: Obligación de beneficios proyectada. Dividendo acumulado Un dividendo que ha llegado a su fecha de vencimiento, pero no se paga. Ver: Acciones preferentes acumulativas. Impuesto a las utilidades acumuladas Un impuesto sobre las ganancias retenidas en una empresa como una forma para que los directores difieran los impuestos sobre la renta personal. Acumulación En el contexto de la financiación corporativa, se refiere a los beneficios que se añaden a la base de capital de la empresa en lugar de pagar como dividendos. Véase: Impuesto a las ganancias acumuladas. En el contexto de las inversiones, se refiere a la compra por un corredor institucional de un gran número de acciones durante un período de tiempo con el fin de evitar empujar el precio de esa acción. En el contexto de los fondos de inversión, se refiere a la inversión regular de un monto fijo al reinvertir dividendos y ganancias de capital. Área de acumulación Rango dentro del cual un comprador acumula acciones de una acción. Véase: Volumen en balance y área de distribución. Ratio de prueba de acidez También se denomina ratio rápida, la relación de activos corrientes menos inventarios, acumulaciones y partidas prepagadas a pasivos corrientes. Superávit adquirido El superávit adquirido cuando una empresa es adquirida en una combinación de agrupación de intereses, es decir, el patrimonio neto no se considera como capital social. Acquiree Una empresa que se está adquiriendo. Adquirente Una empresa o individuo que está comprando otra empresa o activo. Adquisición Cuando una firma compra otra empresa. Coste de adquisición Se refiere al precio (incluyendo los costos de cierre) para comprar otra compañía o propiedad. En el contexto de las inversiones, se refiere al precio más las comisiones de corretaje, de un valor o el cargo por ventas aplicado a los fondos de carga. Véase: Bases fiscales. Adquisición de activos Una fusión o consolidación en la que un adquirente compra los activos de la empresa vendedora. Adquisición de acciones Una fusión o consolidación en la que una adquirente compra las acciones de la adquirida. Movimiento o tendencia en el mercado de valores que hace que todas las acciones de todos los sectores se muevan en la misma dirección. Actuar en conjunto Los inversores trabajan juntos y realizan acciones idénticas para alcanzar el mismo objetivo de inversión. Acto de doctrina estatal Esta doctrina dice que una nación es soberana dentro de sus propias fronteras, y sus acciones domésticas no pueden ser cuestionadas en los tribunales de otra nación. Activo Un mercado en el que hay comercio frecuente. Cuenta activa Se refiere a una cuenta de corretaje en la que se producen muchas transacciones. Las empresas de corretaje pueden cobrar una cuota si una cuenta genera un nivel de actividad inadecuado. Grupo de bonos activos Se refiere a miembros del departamento de bonos de la Bolsa de Nueva York que negocian la mayoría de los bonos. Antítesis de la multitud del gabinete. Caja activa Valores que se mantienen en custodia y están disponibles como garantía para asegurar préstamos de corredores o posiciones de margen de clientes. Gestión activa de fondos Un enfoque de inversión que cambia deliberadamente los fondos entre clases de activos (asignación de activos) o entre títulos individuales (selección de valores). Ingresos activos Ingresos de una empresa activa en contraposición a ingresos de inversión pasiva según el código tributario de los Estados Unidos. Gestión Activa La búsqueda de la inversión devuelve más de un punto de referencia especificado. Estrategia de cartera activa Una estrategia que utiliza la información disponible y las técnicas de pronóstico para buscar un mejor rendimiento que una cartera de compra y mantenimiento. Relacionado: Estrategia de cartera pasiva. Retorno activo Retorno relativo a un punto de referencia. Si la rentabilidad de una cartera es 5, y la de referencia es 3, entonces la rentabilidad activa de la cartera es 2. Riesgo activo Riesgo (desviación estándar anualizada) del rendimiento activo. También se denomina error de seguimiento. Mercado actual Utilizado en el contexto general de las acciones. Mercado firme. Antítesis del mercado sujeto. Datos reales Los bienes físicos subyacentes a un contrato de futuros. Mercancía en efectivo, activo físico. A-D Advance-Decline, o medición del número de emisiones que negocian por encima de sus precios de cierre anteriores, menos el número de operaciones por debajo de sus precios de cierre anteriores durante un período determinado. Como medida técnica de la amplitud del mercado, la pendiente de la línea AD indica si se está llevando a cabo un fuerte mercado alcista o alcista. Impuesto ad valorem Tipo de impuesto calculado sobre la base del porcentaje del valor bruto o declarado. Por ejemplo, IVA. Prueba de bonos adicionales Una prueba para garantizar que los emisores de bonos pueden cumplir con los requisitos del servicio de la deuda de emitir nuevos bonos adicionales. Cobertura adicional Una protección contra el riesgo de fallos en el oleoducto hipotecario. Adecuación de la cobertura Una prueba que mide la medida en que el valor de un activo está protegido contra pérdidas potenciales mediante seguros o cobertura. Tipo ajustable Se aplica principalmente a valores convertibles. Se refiere a tipos de interés o dividendos que se ajustan periódicamente, usualmente de acuerdo a un tipo de mercado estándar fuera del control del banco o institución de ahorro, como el que prevalece en bonos del Tesoro o en pagarés. Típicamente, estos problemas tienen un piso o techo, llamados tapones y collares que limitan el ajuste. Hipoteca de tasa ajustable (ARM) Una hipoteca que cuenta con ajustes predeterminados de la tasa de interés del préstamo a intervalos regulares sobre la base de un índice establecido. La tasa de interés se ajusta en cada intervalo a una tasa equivalente al valor del índice más un margen o diferencial predeterminado sobre el índice, normalmente sujeto a tasas de interés por período y de tasa de interés de la vida de préstamo y / o tasa de pago. Método de cálculo de los cargos financieros que utiliza el saldo de la cuenta restante después de ajustar para todas las transacciones contabilizadas durante el período de facturación dado como base. (ARPS) Las acciones negociadas públicamente que pueden ser garantizadas por hipotecas y MBS. Relacionado: Método del saldo diario promedio, método del saldo anterior, método del saldo vencido. Base ajustada Precio desde el cual calcular y obtener ganancias o pérdidas de capital a la venta de un activo. Las acciones de la cuenta, como las divisiones de stock que se hayan producido desde la compra inicial, deben contabilizarse. Saldo deudor ajustado (BAD) Saldo de cuenta de una cuenta de margen que se calcula combinando el saldo adeudado a un corredor con cualquier saldo pendiente en la cuenta especial diversa y cualquier beneficio de papel en cuentas cortas. Precio de ejercicio ajustado Término utilizado en las opciones sobre los contratos de Ginnie Mae (Asociación Nacional de Hipotecas del Gobierno). El precio de ejercicio final de la opción representa las tasas de cupón de las hipotecas de Ginnie Mae. Por ejemplo, si la hipoteca estándar de GNMA tiene un rendimiento de 9, el precio de los fondos de GNMA con 13 hipotecas en ellos se altera para que el inversor reciba el mismo rendimiento. Ingreso bruto ajustado (IGA) Ingreso bruto menos los ajustes permisibles, que es el ingreso sobre el cual un individuo es gravado por el gobierno federal. Valor actual ajustado (APV) El análisis del valor actual neto de un activo si se financia únicamente por el patrimonio neto (valor actual de los flujos de efectivo no apalancados), más el valor actual de las decisiones de financiación. En otras palabras, los diversos escudos fiscales proporcionados por la deducción de intereses y los beneficios de otros créditos fiscales de inversión se calculan por separado. Este análisis se utiliza a menudo para transacciones altamente apalancadas, como una compra apalancada. Bonos de ajuste Un bono emitido a cambio de bonos en circulación cuando una corporación que se enfrenta a la bancarrota es recapitalizada. Reglas de fijación de precios administrativas Reglas del IRS utilizadas para asignar ingresos a las ventas de exportación a una corporación de ventas en el extranjero. Avance Aumento en el precio de mercado de acciones, bonos, commodities u otros activos. Compromiso anticipado Promesa de vender un activo antes de que el vendedor haya alineado la compra del activo. Este vendedor puede compensar el riesgo mediante la compra de un contrato de futuros para fijar el precio de venta aproximadamente. Advance Computerised Execution System (ACES) se refiere al Sistema Avanzado de Ejecución Computarizada, administrado por Nasdaq. ACES automatiza las operaciones entre las empresas de entrada de órdenes y de mercado que han establecido relaciones comerciales entre sí. Los valores se designan como se especifica para la ejecución automática. Plan de pensiones adelantado Un plan de pensiones en el que se reservan fondos antes de la fecha de jubilación. Reembolso anticipado En el contexto de los bonos municipales, se refiere a la venta de nuevos bonos (la cuestión del reembolso) antes de la primera convocatoria de bonos antiguos (la emisión a devolver). La emisión de reembolso normalmente especifica una tasa inferior a la que se devolverá, y los ingresos se invierten, generalmente en títulos públicos, hasta que los bonos de mayor interés se conviertan en exigibles. Ver: Reembolso de depósitos en garantía. Adelanto Dinero o bienes dados a una persona por el fallecido antes de la muerte y destinados a ser un anticipo contra la participación del beneficiario en el testamento. Opinión adversa Una opinión de un auditor independiente que expresa que los estados financieros de una empresa no reflejan con exactitud la posición de la empresa. Ver también: Opinión calificada. Selección adversa Se refiere a una situación en la que los vendedores tienen información relevante que los compradores carecen (o viceversa) de algún aspecto de la calidad del producto. Banco de asesoramiento Banco correspondiente en el país del beneficiario al cual el banco emisor envía una carta de crédito. Carta de asesoramiento Un boletín de noticias que ofrece asesoramiento financiero a sus lectores. Declaración jurada de pérdida Una declaración jurada que describe los detalles y las circunstancias de la pérdida de valores. Esta declaración jurada es requerida antes de que un Bono de Indemnización pueda ser emitido y los valores reemplazados. Relación de afiliados entre dos empresas cuando una empresa posee un interés sustancial, pero inferior a la mayoría de las acciones con derecho a voto de otra empresa, o cuando dos empresas son filiales de una tercera empresa. Ver: Subsidiarias, sociedad matriz. Corporación afiliada Una corporación que es afiliada a la empresa matriz. Persona afiliada Una persona que posee suficiente influencia y control en una corporación para poder alterar las acciones de la corporación. Pacto Afirmativo Pacto de bonos que especifica ciertas acciones que la empresa debe tomar. Obligación afirmativa Una regla de la Bolsa de Nueva York que rige el comportamiento de los especialistas. La obligación afirmativa es el mandato de los especialistas para intervenir y actuar como el comprador o el vendedor cuando las órdenes de los inversores públicos existen no coinciden de forma natural. También conocido como obligación positiva. Relacionado: obligación negativa. Índice de accesibilidad Un índice que mide la capacidad financiera de los consumidores para comprar una vivienda. Después de la cláusula adquirida Una cláusula contractual en un contrato de hipoteca que establece que cualquier propiedad hipotecaria adicional alcanzada por el prestatario después de la firma de la hipoteca se considerará como seguridad adicional para la obligación que se refiere en la hipoteca. Negociación después de las horas de negociación Negociación de valores después de horas regulares de negociación en los intercambios organizados. Aftermarket Ver: Mercado secundario. Base después de impuestos La base de comparación utilizada para analizar el rendimiento neto después de impuestos de un bono corporativo sujeto a impuestos y un bono libre de impuestos municipales. Margen de utilidad después de impuestos El ratio entre utilidad neta y ventas netas. Tasa de rendimiento real después de impuestos La tasa de rendimiento después de impuestos menos la tasa de inflación. Contra la caja Vea: Venta corta contra la caja. Aged fail Una cuenta entre dos intermediarios que permanece intacta 30 días después de la fecha de liquidación. La entidad receptora debe ajustar su capital ya que ya no puede tratar esta cuenta como un activo. Agencias Ver: Agencia Federal de Valores. Agencia En el contexto general de las acciones, compra o venta por cuenta y riesgo de un cliente. Generalmente, un agente, o corredor, actúa como intermediario entre el comprador y el vendedor, no asumiendo ningún riesgo financiero personal o como empresa, y cobrando una comisión por el servicio. El agente representa a un comprador / vendedor de un cliente a un vendedor / comprador del cliente y no actúa como principal para la propia cuenta comercial de la empresa. Antítesis del principal. Vea: Distribuidor. Agencia bancaria Es una forma de organización comúnmente utilizada por bancos extranjeros para ingresar al mercado estadounidense. Un banco de agencias no puede aceptar depósitos o extender préstamos en su propio nombre, actúa como agente del banco matriz. También es la institución financiera la que emite ADRs al mercado general. Base de la agencia Un medio de compensar al corredor de un programa de comercio únicamente sobre la base de la comisión establecida a través de ofertas presentadas por varias firmas de corretaje. Perspectiva de costo de agencia El argumento que especifica que los costos de agencia diferentes crean un ambiente complejo en el que los costos de agencia total están en un mínimo con algunos, pero menos de 100, financiamiento de deuda. Costos de agencia Los costos incrementales de tener un agente tomar decisiones para un principal. Acuerdo de incentivos de la agencia Un medio de compensar al corredor de un programa comercial usando precios de referencia para las emisiones a negociar en la determinación de comisiones o comisiones. Agencias de transferencia de pasivos Mortgage pasando a través de los valores cuyos principales e intereses pagos están garantizados por las agencias gubernamentales, tales como la Asociación Nacional Mortgage Gobierno (Ginnie Mae), la Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), y Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae ). Problema de la agencia Conflictos de interés entre accionistas, tenedores de bonos y gerentes. Valores de la agencia Valores emitidos por instituciones relacionadas con el gobierno federal y entidades patrocinadas por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos. Estas agencias fueron creadas para reducir los costos de endeudamiento de ciertos sectores de la economía, como la agricultura. Teoría de la agencia El análisis de las relaciones principal-agente, en el que una persona, un agente, actúa en nombre de otra persona, un director. Agente Una parte designada para actuar en nombre de una entidad principal o persona. En el contexto de la financiación del proyecto, se refiere al banco encargado de administrar el financiamiento del proyecto. Precio de ejercicio agregado El precio de ejercicio multiplicado por el número de acciones en un contrato de compra o venta. La prima de la opción se excluye en el precio de ejercicio agregado. En el caso de las opciones negociadas en instrumentos de deuda, el precio de ejercicio agregado es el precio de ejercicio del valor subyacente multiplicado por su valor nominal. Agregación en la planificación financiera corporativa por medio de la cual las propuestas de inversión más pequeñas de cada una de las unidades operativas de la empresa se agregan y tratan efectivamente como un todo. Aggressive Growth Hedge Fund En el contexto de los fondos de cobertura, un estilo de gestión que se centra principalmente en las acciones que se espera tengan un fuerte crecimiento de los beneficios. Fondo mutuo de crecimiento agresivo Un fondo de inversión diseñado para la máxima apreciación del capital que coloca su dinero en empresas con altas tasas de crecimiento. Agresivamente utilizado en el contexto general de las acciones. Para un cliente significa trabajar para comprar o vender una acción, con énfasis en la ejecución sobre el precio. Para un comerciante significa actuar de una manera que pone el capital de la empresa en mayor riesgo a través del pago de un precio más alto, la venta más barata, o hacer una mayor venta corta o compra que el comerciante en circunstancias normales. Calendario de envejecimiento Una tabla de cuentas por cobrar dividida en categorías de edad (como 0-30 días, 30-60 días y 60-90 días), que se utiliza para determinar si los pagos de los clientes se mantienen cerca del calendario. Acuerdo entre los aseguradores Un contrato entre los miembros participantes de un sindicato que define a los miembros de la responsabilidad proporcional, que por lo general se limita a los participantes y el nivel de participación. El contrato describe el calendario de pagos en la fecha de liquidación. Compare: Acuerdo de suscripción. Corporación de acuerdo Corporación fletada por un estado para participar en la banca internacional: así nombrado porque la corporación entra en un con la Junta de Gobernadores de la Fed que limitará sus actividades a las permitidas por una Corporación de Ley de Borde. Antes de sí mismo En el contexto general de las acciones, se refiere a las acciones que están sobrecomprados o sobreventa sobre una base fundamental. Antes de usted Utilizado para valores de renta variable cotizados. Al mismo precio, pero entró antes de su orden / interés, por lo general se refieren al libro del especialista s. Vea: Detrás, órdenes emparejados, prioridad, acción adelante. Comité de Implementación de Estándares de Presentación de Desempeño de AIMR El Comité de Implementación de Estándares de Presentación de Desempeño de la Asociación para la Gestión e Investigación de Inversiones (AIMR) se encarga de interpretar, revisar y actualizar los Estándares de Presentación de Rendimiento AIMR (AIMR-PPS) Consolidador de Carga Aérea Un transportista de carga aérea que no posee ni opera su propia aeronave, sino que envía su carga con los operadores operando efectivamente los portadores. Los consolidadores emiten hojas de ruta de aire de la casa a sus clientes y reciben cartas maestras de los portadores reales. Alien Corporation Una empresa constituida bajo las leyes de un país extranjero, independientemente de donde la empresa lleva a cabo sus operaciones. Todos los tipos de acciones La tasa de descuento que refleja sólo los riesgos de negocio de un proyecto, Distintos de los efectos de la financiación. Todo en se refiere a la tasa de interés de un emisor después de la contabilidad de las comisiones y varios gastos relacionados. All-in-Rate tasa utilizada en la carga de los clientes para la aceptación de banqueros aceptaciones, que consiste en el tipo de interés de descuento más la comisión. Todos los Ordinarios Índice El principal índice de precios de las acciones en Australia. El índice ponderado por capitalización se compone de las 500 empresas más grandes, medido por capitalización de mercado que cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de Australia. El índice se desarrolló con un valor base de 500 a partir de 1979. Todos o ningún orden (AON) Se utiliza en el contexto general de las acciones. Un pedido de precio limitado que debe ser ejecutado en su totalidad o no en absoluto (sin transacción parcial), y por lo tanto está probando la fuerza / convicción de la contraparte. A diferencia de una orden FOK, una orden AON no debe ser tratada como cancelada si no se ejecuta tan pronto como está representada en la multitud de negociación, sino que permanece viva hasta que se ejecuta o se cancela. La realización de ofertas u ofertas en bonos está sujeta a las restricciones de la Regla 61. Las órdenes de AON no se muestran en el libro del especialista porque no se pueden negociar en piezas. Antítesis de cualquier parte del orden. Ver: Orden FOK. Costo total Costo total, explícito e implícito. Suscripción de todo o nada Un acuerdo mediante el cual se cancela un problema de seguridad si el asegurador no puede revender la totalidad de la emisión. Todos los seguros de riesgo Seguro de carga marítima que cubre la mayoría de los peligros excepto huelgas, disturbios, disturbios civiles, captura, guerra, confiscación, guerra civil, piratería, pérdida de mercado y vicio inherente. Miembro asociado Un socio o accionista de una empresa que es miembro de la NYSE, el socio o accionista no es personalmente miembro de la NYSE. Alligator spread El término utilizado para describir un spread en el mercado de opciones que genera una comisión tan grande que el cliente es poco probable que haga un beneficio, incluso si los mercados se mueven como el inversor anticipó. Reglas de asignación de ingresos Disposiciones fiscales estadounidenses que definen cómo se asignarán los ingresos y las deducciones entre la fuente nacional y la fuente extranjera. Eficiencia alocacional La eficacia con la que un mercado canaliza el capital hacia sus usos más productivos. Asignación Número de valores asignados a cada uno de los participantes en un sindicato de suscripción. Alfa Medida del rendimiento ajustado al riesgo. Por lo general, se genera un alfa mediante la regresión de la rentabilidad excesiva del fondo de inversión o del fondo mutuo en el S P 500). El exceso de rendimiento esperado dado el riesgo es de 2 x 9 18. El exceso de rendimiento real es 20. Por lo tanto, el alfa es de 2 o 200 puntos básicos. El alfa también se conoce como el índice de Jensen. Relacionado: Retorno ajustado por riesgo. Ecuación alfa La regresión suele estar a lo largo de 36-60 meses de datos: Return-Treasury bill alpha beta (SP 500. Un fondo mutuo especializado en inversión internacional podría ser comparado con un índice más amplio del mercado mundial, como el MSCI World Index. of common stock of a corporation associated with a particular subsidiary resulting from acquisitions and restructuring. The various alphabetical categories have different voting rights and pay dividends tied to the operating performance of the particular divisions. See also: Tracking stocks. Alternative investments Usually refers to investments in hedge funds. Many hedge funds pursue strategies that are uncommon relative to mutual funds. Examples of alternative investment strategies are: long--short equity, event driven, statistical arbitrage, fixed income arbitrage, convertible arbritage, short bias, global macro, and equity m Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) A federal tax aimed at ensuring that wealthy individuals, estates, trusts, and corporations pay a minimal level income tax. For individuals, the AMT is calculated by adding adjusted gross income to tax preference items. Alternative mortgage instruments Variations of mortgage instruments such as adjustable-rate and variable-rate mortgages, graduated-payment mortgages, reverse-annuity mortgages, and several seldom-used variations. Orden alternativa Se utiliza en el contexto general de las acciones. Order giving a broker a choice between two courses of action, either to buy or sell, never both. Execution of one course automatically eliminates the other. An example is a combination buy limit/ buy stop order, where the buy limit is below the current market and the buy stop is above. If the order is for one unit of trading, when one part of the order is executed on the occurrence of one alternative, the order on the other alternative is to be treated as cancelled. If the order is for an amount of more than one unit of trading, the number of units executed determines the amount of the alternative order to be treated as cancelled. Sometimes known as One Cancels the Other. Also see: Either-or order. American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) A not-for-profit organization to educate individual investors about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other financial instruments. American Depositary Receipt (ADR) Certificates issued by a US depository bank, representing foreign shares held by the bank, usually by a branch or correspondent in the country of issue. One ADR may represent a portion of a foreign share, one share or a bundle of shares of a foreign corporation. If the ADR s are ADRs do not receive such assistance. ADRs are subject to the same currency, political, and economic risks as the underlying foreign share. Arbitrage keeps the prices of ADRs and underlying foreign shares, adjusted for the SDR/ordinary ratio essentially equal. American depository shares (ADS) are a similar form of certification. American Depositary Receipt Fees Fees associated with the creating or releasing of ADRs from ordinary shares, charged by the commercial banks with correspondent banks in the international sites. American Depositary Receipt Ratio The number of ordinary shares into which an ADR can be converted. American Depositary Share (ADS) Foreign stock issued in the US and registered in the ADR system. American option An option that may be exercised at any time up to and including the expiration date. Related: European option American shares Securities certificates issued in the US by a transfer agent acting on behalf of the foreign issuer. The certificates represent claims to foreign equities. American Stock Exchange (AMEX) Stock exchange with the third highest volume of trading in the US. Located at 86 Trinity Place in downtown Manhattan. The bulk of trading on AMEX consists of index options (computer technology index, institutional index, major market index) and shares of small to medium-sized companies are predominant. Recently merged with Nasdaq See: Curb. American-style option An option contract that can be exercised at any time between the date of purchase and the expiration date. Most exchange-traded equity options are American style. Amman Financial Market (AFM) Established in 1976, the AFM is the only stock exchange in Jordan. Amman Stock Exchange The only agency authorized as a formal market for trading securities in Jordan. Amortization The repayment of a loan by installments. Amortization factor The pool factor implied by the scheduled amortization assuming no prepayments. Amortizing interest rate swap Swap in which the principal or notional amount declines over time. Amount outstanding and in circulation All currency issued by the Bureau of the Mint and intended as a medium of exchange. Coins sold by the Bureau of the Mint at premium prices are not included uncirculated coin sets sold at face value plus handling charge are included. Amsterdam Exchange (AEX) Exchange that comprises the AEX-Effectenbeurs, the AEX-Optiebeurs (formerly the European Options Exchange or EOE) and the AEX-Agrarische Termijnmarkt. AEX-Data Services is the operating company responsible for the dissemination of data from the Amsterdam Exchange via its integrated Mercury 2000 system. AMTEL Used in context of general equities. In-house message system entered and displayed through Quotron A page. Analyst Employee of a brokerage or fund management house who studies companies and makes buy-and-sell recommendations on stocks of these companies. Most specialize in a specific industry. And interest An indication that the buyer will receive accrued interest in addition to the price quoted for a bond. Andean Pact A regional trade pact that includes Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Angel An investment-grade bond. Antithesis to fallen angel. En el contexto del capital riesgo, el primer inversor. Angels Individuals providing venture capital. Ankle biter Stock issued with a market capitalization of less than 500 million. Announcement date Date on which particular news concerning a given company is announced to the public. Used in event studies, which researchers use to evaluate the economic impact of events of interest. Annual basis The technique in statistics of taking a figure covering a period of less than one year and extrapolating it to cover a full one year period. The process is known as annualizing. Rendimiento anual efectivo Véase: Rendimiento porcentual anual. Annual exclusion A tax rule allowing the deduction of certain income from taxation. Annual fund operating expenses For investment companies, the management fee and including the expenses for maintaining shareholder records, providing shareholders with financial statements, and providing custodial and accounting services. For 12b-1 funds, selling and marketing costs are also included. Annual meeting Meeting of stockholders held once a year at which the managers of a company report to the stockholders on the year s results. Tasa anual porcentual (APR) La tasa periódica multiplicada por el número de períodos en un año. For example, a 5 quarterly return has an APR of 20 . Annual percentage yield (APY) The effective, or true annual rate of return. The APY is the rate actually earned or paid in one year, taking into account the effect of compounding. The APY is calculated by taking one plus the periodic rate, raising it to the number of periods in a year and then subtracting one. For example, a 1 per month rate has an APY of 12.68 (1.01 12 -1). Annual rate of return There are many ways of calculating the annual rate of return. If the rate of return is calculated on a monthly basis, we sometimes multiply this by 12 to express an annual rate of return. This is often called the annual percentage rate (APR). The annual percentage yield (APY) includes the effect of compounding interest. Annual renewable term insurance See: Term insurance. Annual report Yearly record of a publicly held company s financial condition. It includes a description of the firm s operations, as well as balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement information. SEC rules require that it be distributed to all shareholders. A more detailed version is called a 10-K. Annualized gain If stock X appreciates 1.5 in one month, the annualized gain for that stock over a twelve month period is 121.5 18 . Compounded over the 12 month period, the gain is (1.015) 12 -1 19.6 . Annualized holding-period return The annual rate of return that when compounded t times generates the same t-period holding return as actually occurred from period 1 to period t. Annualizing See: Annual basis. Annuitant An individual who receives benefits from an annuity. Annuitize To commence a series of payments from the capital that has accumulated in an annuity. The payments may be a fixed amount, for a fixed period of time, or for a lifetime. Annuity A regular periodic payment made by an insurance company to a policyholder for a specified period of time. Annuity certain An annuity that pays a specific amount on a monthly basis for a set amount of time. Annuity due An annuity with n payments, where the first payment is made at time t 0, and the last payment is made at time t n - 1. Annuity factor Present value of 1 paid for each of t periods. Annuity in arrears An annuity with a first payment one full period hence, rather than immediately. Annuity starting date The date when an annuitant starts receiving payments from an annuity. Anticipated holding period The period of time an individual expects to hold an asset. Anticipation Paying what is owed before it is due (usually to save interest charges). Antidilutive effect Result of a transaction that increases earnings per common share (e. g. by decreasing the number of shares outstanding). Anti-Persistence In R/S Analysis, an anti-persistent time series reverses itself more often than a random series would. If the system had been up in the previous period, it is more likely that it will be down in the next period and vice versa. Also called pink noise, or 1/f noise. See: Persistence, R/S Analysis, Hurst Exponent, Joseph Effect, Noah Effect. Antigreenmail Greenmail refers to the agreement between a large shareholder and a company in which the shareholder agrees to sell his stock back to the company, usually at a premium, in exchange for the promise not to seek control of the company for a specified period of time. Antigreenmail provisions prevent such arrangements unless the same repurchase offer is made to all shareholders or approved by shareholder vote. There are some states that have antigreenmail laws. Leyes antitrust Legislación establecida por el gobierno federal para prevenir la formación de monopolios y regular el comercio. Any-interest-date A call provision in a municipal bond indenture that establishes the right of redemption for the issuer on any interest payment due date. Any-or-all bid Often used in risk arbitrage. Takeover bid in which the acquirer offers to pay a set price for all outstanding shares of the target company, or any part thereof contrasts with two-tier bid. Any-part-of order In context of general equities, order to buy or sell a quantity of stock in pieces if necessary. Antithesis of an all-or-none order (AON). Appraisal ratio The signal-to-noise ratio of an analyst s forecasts. The ratio of alpha to residual standard deviation. Appraisal rights A right of shareholders in a merger to demand the payment of a fair price for their shares, as determined independently. Appreciation Increase in the value of an asset. Solicitud de presupuesto Solicitud formal de fondos para proyectos de inversión de capital. Approved list A list of equities and other investments that a financial institution or mutual fund is allowed to invest in. See: Legal list. APS Auction Preferred Stock. A type of Dutch Auction Preferred Stock (Goldman Sachs product). Arbitrage The simultaneous buying and selling of a security at two different prices in two different markets, resulting in profits without risk. Perfectly efficient markets present no arbitrage opportunities. Perfectly efficient markets seldom exist, but, arbitrage opportunities are often precluded because of transactions costs. Arbitrage bonds Municipality issued bonds issued intended to gain an interest rate advantage by refunding a higher-rate bond in ahead of their call date. Lower-rate refunding issue proceeds are invested in Treasuries until the first call date of the higher-rate issue. Arbitrage-free option-pricing models Yield curve option-pricing models. Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) An alternative model to the capital asset pricing model developed by Stephen Ross and based purely on arbitrage arguments. The APT implies that there are multiple risk factors that need to be taken into account when calculating risk-adjusted performance or alpha. Arbitrage Trading Program (ATP) See: Program trading. Arbitrageur One who profits from the differences in price when the same, or extremely similar, security, currency, or commodity is traded on two or more markets. The arbitrageur profits by simultaneously purchasing and selling these securities to take advantage of pricing differentials (spreads) created by market conditions. See: Risk arbitrage, convertible arbitrage, index arbitrage, and international arbitrage. Are you open Used in context of general equities. , Inquiring as to whether any portion of that trade is still available See: Open. Arithmetic average (mean) rate of return Arithmetic mean return. Arithmetic mean return An average of the subperiod returns, calculated by summing the subperiod returns and dividing by the number of subperiods. Bolsa de Valores de Arizona Un intercambio de subastas de precio único para el comercio de acciones que permite a los compradores y vendedores anónimos comerciar a bajos costos de transacción. Arm s length price The price at which a willing buyer and a willing unrelated seller would freely agree to transact or a trade between related parties that is conducted as if they were unrelated, so that there is no conflict of interest in the transaction. Arms index Also known as a TRading INdex (TRIN). The index is usually calculated as the number of advancing issues divided by the number of declining issues. This, in turn, is divided by the advancing volume divided by the declining volume. If there is considerably more advancing volume relative to declining volume this will tend to reduce the index (i. e. increase the denominator). Hence, a value less than 1.0 is bullish while values greater than 1.0 indicate bearish demand. The index often is smoothed with a simple moving average. Around us Used in context of general equities. Ver: Lejos de ti. Arranger The senior tier of a syndication. This implies the entity that agreed and negotiated the project financing structure. Also refers to the bank or underwriter entitled to syndicate the loan or bond issue. Also known as the lead underwriter. Arrearage In the context of investments, refers to the amount by which interest on bonds or dividends on cumulative preferred stock is due and unpaid. Articles of incorporation Legal document establishing a corporation and its structure and purpose. Artificial currency A currency substitute, e. g. special drawing rights (SDRs). Artificial Intelligence The creation of models that mimic thought processes. See: Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, and Genetic Algorithms. Ascending tops A chart pattern that depicts that each peak in a security s price over a period of time is higher than the preceding peak. Antithesis of descending tops. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Pact (APEC) A loose economic affiliation of Southeast Asian and Far Eastern nations. The most prominent members are China, Japan, and Korea. Asian Currency Units (ACU) Dollar deposits held in Singapore or other Asian centers. Asian Development Bank A financial institution established in 1966 to reduce poverty in the Asia-Pacific region. The bank is headquartered in Manila, Philippines and consists of 61 member countries. Asian dollar market Asian banks that collect deposits and make loans denominated in US dollars. Asian option Option based on the average price of the underlying assets during the life of the option. Pregunte Esta es la oferta cotizada, o el precio más bajo que un inversionista aceptará vender una acción. Practically speaking, this is the quoted offer at which an investor can buy shares of stock also called the offer price. Asked price In context of general equities, price at which a security or commodity is offered for sale on an exchange or in the OTC Market. Asked to bid/offer Used in context of general equities. Usually a seller (buyer) looking to aggressively sell (buy) stock, usually asking for a capital commitment from an investment bank. Aspirin Australian Stock Price Riskless Indexed Notes. Zero-coupon four-year bonds repayable at face value plus the percentage increase by which the Australian stock index of all ordinaries (common stocks) rises above a predefined level during the given period. Assay Metal purity test to confirm that the metal meets the standards for trading on a commodities exchange (commodities exchange center). Assessed valuation The value assigned to property by a municipality for the purpose of tax assessment. Such an assessed valuation is important to investors in municipal bonds that are backed by property taxes. Asset Any possession that has value in an exchange. Asset activity ratios Ratios that measure how effectively the firm is managing its assets. Asset allocation decision The decision regarding how an institution s funds should be distributed among the major classes of assets in which it may invest. Asset allocation mutual fund A mutual fund that rotates among stocks, bonds, and money market securities to maximize return on investment and minimize risk. Asset-backed security A security that is collateralized by loans, leases, receivables, or installment contracts on personal property, not real estate. Asset-based financing Methods of financing in which lenders and equity investors look principally to the cash flow from a particular asset or set of assets for a return on, and the return of, their financing. Asset classes Categories of assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and foreign securities. Prueba de cobertura de activos Una restricción de consolidación de bonos que permite préstamos adicionales si la relación entre activos y deuda no cae por debajo de un mínimo especificado. Sistema de rango de depreciación de activos Una gama de vidas amortizables que el IRS permite para determinadas clases de activos. Asset/equity ratio The ratio of total assets to stockholder equity. Asset for asset swap Creditors exchange the debt of one defaulting borrower for the debt of another defaulting borrower. Asset/liability management The task of managing the funds of a financial institution to accomplish two goals: (1) to earn an adequate return on funds invested and (2) to maintain a comfortable surplus of assets beyond liabilities. Also called surplus management. Asset management account Account at a brokerage house, bank, or savings institution that integrates banking services and brokerage features. Asset play A company with assets that are not believed to be accurately reflected in its stock price, making it an attractive buy or play. Asset pricing model A model for determining the required or expected rate of return on an asset. Related: Capital asset pricing model and arbitrage pricing theory. Asset stripper A corporate raider (company A) that takes over a target company (company B) in order to sell large assets of company B to repay debt. Company A calculates that the net, selling off the assets and paying off the debt, will leave the raider with assets that are worth more than what it paid for company B. Asset substitution Occurs when a firm invests in assets that are riskier than those that the debtholders expected. Asset substitution problem Arises when the stockholders substitute riskier assets for the firm s existing assets and expropriate value from the debtholders. Asset swap An interest rate swap used to alter the cash flow characteristics of an institution s assets in order to provide a better match with its liabilities. Asset turnover The ratio of net sales to total assets. Asset value The net market value of a corporation s assets on a per-share basis, not the market value of the shares. A company is undervalued in the market when asset value exceeds market value. Assets A firm s productive resources. Assets-in-place Property in which a firm has already invested. Assets requirements A common element of a financial plan that describes projected capital spending and the proposed uses of net working capital. Assignment The receipt of an exercise notice by an options writer that requires the writer to sell (in the case of a call) or purchase (in the case of a put) the underlying security at the specified strike price. Assignment of proceeds Arrangement that allows the original beneficiary of a letter of credit to pledge or turn over proceeds to another, typically end supplier. Assimilation The public absorption of a new issue of stocks once the stock has been completely sold by underwriter. See: Absorbed. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) A loose economic and geopolitical affiliation that includes Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Future members are likely to include Burma, Laos, and Cambodia. Assumed interest rate Rate of interest used by an insurance company to calculate the payout on an annuity contract. Assumption Becoming responsible for the liabilities of another party. ASX Derivatives and Options Market (ASXD) Options market trading options on more than 50 of Australia s and New Zealand s leading companies. Asymmetric information Information that is known to some people but not to other people. Asymmetric taxes When participants in a transaction have different net tax rates. Asymmetric volatility Phenomenon that volatility is higher in down markets than in up markets. Asymmetry A lack of equivalence between two things, such as the unequal tax treatment of interest expense and dividend payments. Athens Stock Exchange Greece s only major securities market. Greek language only. At par A price equal to nominal or face value of a security. See: Par. At risk The exposure to the danger of economic loss. Se utiliza con frecuencia en el contexto de reclamar deducciones fiscales. For example, a person can claim a tax deduction in a limited partnership if the taxpayer can show it is at risk of never realizing a profit and of losing its initial investment. See: Value at risk. At the bell In context of general equities, at the opening or close of the market. See: MOC Order. At the close order In the context of securities, an all or none market order that is to be executed at the closing price of the security on the exchange. If the execution cannot be made under this condition, the order is to be treated as cancelled. In the context of futures and options, refers to a contract that is to be executed on some exchanges during the closing period, a period in which there is a range of prices. At the figure In context of general equities, at the whole integer price (excluding the fraction) closest to the side of the market (bid/ask) being discussed. At the full. At the full Used in context of general equities. At the figure. At the market See: Market order. At-the-money Una opción está en el dinero si el precio de ejercicio de la opción es igual al precio de mercado del valor subyacente. For example, if xyz stock is trading at 54, then the xyz 54 option is at the money. At the opening order In context of general equities, market order or limited price order that is to be executed at the opening (and corresponding price) of the stock or not at all, and any such order or portion thereof not so executed is to be treated as cancelled. Atractor En una serie dinámica no lineal, un atractor define el nivel de equilibrio del sistema. Vea: Attractor del punto, ciclo del límite, y Attractor extraño. Attribute bias The tendency of stocks preferred by the dividend discount model to share certain equity attributes such as low price-earnings ratios, high dividend yield, high book value ratio, or membership in a particular industry sector. Athens Stock Exchange (ASE) Greece s principal stock exchange. Auction Market Preferred Stock (AMPS) A type of Dutch Auction Preferred Stock (A Merrill Lynch product). Mercados de subasta Mercados en los que el precio prevaleciente se determina a través de la libre interacción de posibles compradores y vendedores, como en el piso de la bolsa de valores. Auction rate preferred stock (ARPS) Floating rate preferred stock, whose dividend is adjusted every seven weeks through a Dutch auction. Audit An examination of a company s accounting records and books conducted by an outside professional in order to determine whether the company is maintaining records according to generally accepted accounting principles. See: accountant s opinion. Audit trail Resolves the validity of an accounting entry by a step-by-step record by which accounting data can be traced to their source. Auditor s certificate See: Accountant s opinion. Auditor s report A section of an annual report that includes the auditor s opinion about the veracity of the financial statements. Aunt Millie An unsophisticated investor. Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) Australia s major securities market, formed when the six state stock exchanges (Adelaide, Brisbane, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth, and Sydney stock exchanges) were merged in 1987. Autarky Absence of a cross-border trade in models of international trade. Autex Video communication network through which brokerage houses alert institutional investors of their desire to transact block business (a purchase or sale) in a given security. Indications transmit small, medium, and large sizes only, with occasional limits mentioned. Supers are messages with specific size and price included. Both can be only seen by customers (institutional subscribers to Autex). Trade recaps, advertised block trades entered by the dealer/subscribers, are also displayed, but can be seen by both institutions and dealers. See: Expunge, size. Authentication In the context of bonds, refers to the validation of a bond certificate. Authority bond A bond issued by a government agency or a corporation created to manage a revenue-producing public enterprise. The difference between an authority bond and a municipal bond is that margin protections may be incorporated in the authority bond contract as well as in the legislation that enables the authority. Authorized shares Number of shares authorized for issuance by a firm s corporate charter. Autocorrelation The correlation of a variable with itself over successive time intervals. Sometimes called serial correlation. Automated bond system (ABS) The computerized system that records bids and offers for inactively traded bonds until they are cancelled or executed on the NYSE. Automated Clearing House (ACH) A collection of 32 regional electronic interbank networks used to process transactions electronically with a guaranteed one-day bank collection float. Automated Customer Account Transfer (ACAT) For transfers of securities from a non-equity trading account to your equity trading account with your broker. Automated Export System Electronic filing of Shippers Export Declaration (SEDs) with US Customs prior to departure. Automated Order System (AOS) Investment bank computerized order entry system that sends single order entries to DOT (Odd-Lot) or to investment banks floor brokers on the exchange. See: Round lot, GTC orders. Automated Pit Trading (APT) Introduced in 1989, APT is the LIFFE screen-based trading system that replicates the open outcry method of trading on screen. APT is used to extend the trading day for the major futures contracts as well as to provide a daytime trading environment for non-floor trading products. Automated teller machine (ATM) Computer-controlled terminal located on the premises of financial institutions or elsewhere, though which customers may make deposits, withdrawals or other transactions as they would through a bank teller. Other terms sometimes used to describe such terminals are customer-bank communications terminal (CBCT) and remote service unit (RSU). Groups of banks sometimes share ATMs. Sometimes called Automated Banking Machines. Automatic Data Processing (ADP) A private company that acts as an intermediary to perform proxy services for several banks and brokers. Distributes proxy material to beneficial owners, tabulates the returned proxies, and provides the Corporation or its tabulator compiled reports of the tabulation results. ADP also distributes quarterly reports and other corporate information to the beneficial owners. Automatic exercise A protection procedure whereby the Options Clearing Corporation attempts to protect the holder of an expiring in-the-money option by automatically exercising the option on behalf of the holder. Automatic extension An automatic extension of time granted to a taxpayer to file a tax return. Automatic funds transfer A transfer of funds from one account or investment vehicle to another using electronic or telecommunications technology. Automatic investment program A program in which an investor can invest or withdraw funds automatically. A mutual fund, for example, automatically withdraws a pre determined specified amount from the investor s bank account on a regular basis. Automatic reinvestment See: Constant dollar plan. Automatic stay The restricting of liability holders from collection efforts related to collateral seizure. Automatically imposed when a firm files for bankruptcy under Chapter 11. Automatic transfer service (ATS) account A depositor s saving account from which funds may be transferred automatically to the same depositor s checking account to cover a check written or to maintain a minimum balance. Automatic withdrawal A mutual fund that gives shareholders the right to receive a fixed payment from dividends on a quarterly or monthly basis. Autoquote Autoquote indicative prices are generated for many of the financial options contracts traded at LIFFE using standard mathematical models as derived by Black and Scholes and Cox, Ross, Rubinstein. Autoquote calculates prices for all series by processing variables captured in real-time from other systems and trading members each time the underlying price changes. Autoquotes indicate where a series may trade, given the current level of the underlying instrument. Autoregressive Using past data or variable of interest to predict future values of the same variable. Auto-Regressive (AR) Process A stationary stochastic process where the current value of the time series is related to the past p values, where p is any integer, is called an AR(p) process. When the current value is related to the previous two values, it is an AR(2) process. An AR(1) process has an infinite memory. Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) A nonlinear stochastic process, where the variance is time-varying, and a function of the past variance. ARCH processes have frequency distributions which have high peaks at the mean and fat-tails, much like fractal distributions. The ARCH model was invented by Robert Engle. The Generalized ARCH (GARCH) model is the most widely used and was pioneered by Tim Bollerslev. See: Fractal Distributions. Availability The period in which the project financing is available for drawdown. Availability float Checks deposited by a company that have not yet been cleared. Available cash flow Total cash sources less total cash uses before payment of debt service. Available on the way in In context of general equities, stock is available to new customer as trade initiated by another customer is about to be consummated (on the exchange floor). Usually said to an inquiring salesperson. See: Open. Aval Term meaning inseparable from the financial instrument. This gives a guarantee and is abstracted from the performance of the underlying trade contract: Article 31 of the 1930 Geneva Convention of the Bills Of Exchange states that the aval can be written on the bill itself or on an allonge. US Banks are prohibited from avalizing drafts. Avalizor An institution or person who gives the aval. Average An arithmetic mean return of selected stocks intended to represent the behavior of the market or some component of it. One good example is the widely quoted Dow Jones Industrial Average, which adds the current prices of the 30 DJIA stocks, and divides the results by a predetermined number, the divisor. Average accounting return The average project earnings after taxes and depreciation divided by the average book value of the investment during its life. Average (across-day) measures An estimation of price that uses the average or representative price of a large number of trades. Average age of accounts receivable The weighted-average age of all the firm s outstanding invoices. Average collection period, or days receivables The ratio of accounts receivables to sales, or the total amount of credit extended per dollar of daily sales (average AR/sales 365). Average cost In the context of investing, refers to the average cost of shares or stock bought at different prices over time. Average cost of capital A firm s required payout to bondholders and stockholders expressed as a percentage of capital contributed to the firm. Average cost of capital is computed by dividing the total required cost of capital by the total amount of contributed capital. Average daily balance A method for calculating interest in which the balance owed each day by a customer is divided by the number of days. Véase también: Método del saldo ajustado y método del saldo anterior. Average discount rate Purchasers tender their competitive bids on a discount rate basis. The weighted, or adjusted mean of all bids accepted in Treasury bill auctions. Average down A strategy used by investors to reduce the average cost of shares, in which the investor purchases more shares with a fixed amount of capital as the price of the shares decreases. The investor receives more shares per dollar and decreases the average price per share. Average equity A customer s average daily balance in a trading account at a brokerage firm. Average life Also referred to as the weighted-average life (WAL). El número promedio de años que cada dólar de capital pendiente de pago de la hipoteca permanece pendiente. Average life is computed as the weighted-average time to the receipt of all future cash flows, using as the weights the dollar amounts of the principal paydowns. Average maturity The average time to maturity of securities held by a mutual fund. Changes in interest rates have greater impact on funds with longer average maturity. Average rate of return (ARR) The ratio of the average cash inflow to the amount invested. Average tax rate Taxes as a fraction of income total taxes divided by total taxable income. Average up A strategy used by investors to lower the overall cost of shares by buying as many shares with a given amount of capital in an increasing market. Buying 1000 worth of shares at 30, 35, 40, and 45, for instance, will make the average cost of the sharesx 36.65, lower than the average price of 37.50. Averaging See: Constant dollar plan. Avoided cost In context of project financing, the capital and expense that would have to be spent if the project did not proceed. Away Un intercambio, cotización o mercado que no se origina con el distribuidor en cuestión, p. Away from the market In context of general equities, out of line with the inside market at this time, such as when a bid on a limit order is lower or the offer price is higher than the current market price for the security held by the specialist for later execution unless FOK. Antithesis of in-line. Away from us Used in context of general equities, to characterize role of a competing broker/dealer. Trading away from us signifies that stock is bought and/or sold with institutions using other trading firms. Away from you Used for listed equity securities. See: Outside of you. Axe to grind Used in context of general equities. Involvement in a security, whether through a position, order, or inquiry Types of Share trading Methods of buying and selling What is called share trading in share market Trading means buy and selling and share trading means buying and selling of shares in share market. Types of Share Trading Mainly there are two ways of share trading. 1) Online Share Trading 2) Offline Share Trading 1) Online Share Trading Doing share trading with help of computer, internet connection and with trading and demat account is called Online Share Trading. If you would like to do online share trading then you need to have a computer, internet connection and online trading account. If you are planning to do trading yourself then opening online share trading account is advisable. Basically people use online share trading who want to trade themselves. Indian Share Market Trading Welcome to Indian Share Market Serving Since 2007 Essential of Online Share Trading 1) Online trading account - You have to open an online trading account with any of the bank or financial trading system like There will be nominal annual charges but in fact nowadays some of them are offering free accounts. To have the list of brokers please see the bottom of this page. Please also read the certain precautions which you need to take while opening the demat and trading account. 2) A computer with internet connection but nowadays some people do trading in internet cafe. Due to fall in electronic prices the computers are available at very affordable prices in the market. If you have electricity problems then you also need to have inverter. Nowadays you can get internet enabled on your cell phone (which is called GPRS) whose speed will be sufficient to do trading and also the charges of GPRS are very nominal. Also internet broadband connection is available. 3) After successfully opening the online trading account you will receive the username and password with the help of which you can login in online trading system and trade yourself. 4) The trading system executive (with whom you opened trading account) will help you initially about how to use the online trading system. But in fact you can request for demonstration of their trading system before you open the trading account with them. Once you get familiar with the system then you can trade yourself at your home or in the internet cafe. Benefits of Online Share Trading 1) There is no need to depend on any broker or anybody else to place the order or to square off your order. In short you are the boss of your own to do trading (buying and selling) of shares. 2) Its reliable, convenient and you can take your own decisions yourself by actual seeing or analyzing the market on the computer screen instead of calling the broker all the time. 3) It s not possible or practical for a broker to update you about each and everything about the share market, news which will influence or affect the share market. Because he may be having many other customers like you and even if he updates you it would be late and this news would have been affected the concerned sector or share. So if you are doing online trading yourself, then you may save yourself from big disaster by booking profit or by coming out of the stock. 4) You will get news and updates on various websites and also on your online trading system and most of the information will be free of cost. Please note - Always remember share market always get influences (or affected) by the appropriate news. So get updated or be in touch with news all the time. This will benefit you always. 5) By doing online trading yourself, you can see and judge where market (or your share) is heading by seeing different graphs online yourself, which is not possible if you re trading through broker. Some online trading systems have graphs integrated in their system, so your job is to just add those graphs and check the status of current market (or share) and depending on your analysis you can take steps towards successfully trading. (How to analyze graphs are mentioned in different sections). 6) All your transactions and related documents can be seen online and can also be downloaded to your PC without depending on your broker. You can also check the status of your amount on daily basis through you online trading system. 2) Offline Share Trading Doing share trading with the help of broker or through telephone is called offline share trading. In other words trading will be done by another person on your behalf based on the instructions given by you. The other person would be a broker. The broker will do buying and selling of shares on your behalf depending on the instructions given by you. So in offline share trading you don t need to have computer, internet connection but you need to have the offline demat account. Different methods of buying and selling of shares Following are the two methods of buying and selling of shares in Indian share market. 1) Market Order 2) Limit Order 1) Market Order When you put buy or sell price of a stock at market rate or select market order option in trading terminal then the price get executes at the current rate of market. The market order gets executed immediately at the current available price. In market order the shares will get executed at the best current available price. Market order is used if you want to execute your order very fast and at available price. If you wish to buy or sell shares at any specific price then market orders is not suitable for you then have to go for limit order. Market order is for those who want to buy or sell immediately at the current available price. 2) Limit Order It s totally different from market order. In limit order the buying or selling price has to be mentioned and when the share price comes to that price then the order will get executed. But here it s not sure that the price will come to your limit order and the order get executes. In other words in limit order the specific price is mentioned and trader or investor wait till the stock price reaches that price and once the stock price reaches that price then the order will get execute. Day traders has to take very precaution while using limit order, especially who make use of margin amount In day trading, because you have to close all your transactions before 3:30 PM and if in case the price doesn t reach to your limit order then your order will be open (pending) and then you have to go through the penalties. Importantly limit order and stop loss order are used together to minimize the risk. Stop Loss Order Stop loss orders are used to reduce or to minimize the losses. This is very important term especially if you are doing day trading (intraday trading). Stop Loss order as the name indicates this is used to reduce the losses. In Stop loss order the trigger price has to be mentioned, by the trader, and once the price reaches the trigger price the order get executed with the best price available between the trigger price and the limit price. For example - Suppose the trader bought the Reliance Industries at Rs 1000. So he puts the following order to protect his losses. The limit order of Rs 990 and stop loss trigger price at Rs 985 So if the reliance industries stock price starts falling and if it reaches 985 then his trade executes with the current market available price. Note - The stop loss trigger price is placed below the limit price in buy order and above the limit price in sell order. Different types of Share trading 1) Day trading and 2) Delivery trading (it is also called as investing) are the two main types of share trading. 1) Day trading Buying and selling of shares on daily basis is called day trading this is also called as Intraday trading. Whatever you buy today you have to sell it today OR whatever you sell today you have to buy it today and very importantly during market hours that is between 9.55 am to 3.30 pm (Indian time). In day trading, brokers provide margin to do trading. Means you get extra amount for day trading. Suppose if you have 10,000 rupees in your account then you can buy and sell shares worth rupees 40,000 (four times more - basically margin amount depends on your broker). So if you use margin amount for day trading then you have square off your shares before market closes irrespective of share price or whether you are making loss or profit. Please note - If you don t use margin amount and trade only with your available amount then no need to square off your positions. For example if the you buy some shares and the share prices falls then you can hold them and take delivery and sell them whenever the share prices increases. Important note - New comers should not start by day trading as it is very risky. Day trading requires lots of knowledge including share, entire share market, global markets, news and many more parameters. For more information please visit at Overview of Day Trading 2) Delivery Trading In Delivery Trading, as the name say, you have to take the delivery of shares and after getting these shares in your demat account you can sell them at anytime (or you can hold them till you want, there is no restriction). In delivery trading you need to have the amount required to buy share in other words you don t get margin amount as you get in day trading For example - If you want to buy 10 shares of Reliance at price 1200 than you must have (100x1200) Rs 12,000 in your account once you purchased these shares will get deposited in your demat account (after trading day and 2 additional days). Then you can sell these shares when the price of these shares goes up or else you can hold them as long as you want. Please Note - First you have to buy and sell. You can t sell before buying in delivery trading while it s possible in day trading which is called as short selling. More information is mentioned at How to analyze the company before investing Fundamental and Technical analysis in Indian Share Market Basically the investment and trading decisions are done with the help of two important tools. 1) Fundamental analysis 2) Technical analysis Above mentioned two tools are widely used by investors and share traders but analyzing differs from traders to traders or from investor to investor. First of all let s see what these tools mean - 1) Fundamental Analysis The name itself indicates that this analysis is totally based on companies fundamentals. Basically the fundamental analysis is used to analyze the company fundamentals for mid term to long term investment or even some analyst use for short term investment especially during the announcement of quarterly results. Like if the company is going to declare the good quarterly results then investors buy them before the results announcement, like one month before, and sell them as the price increases after the result announcement. Following are the few fundamental parameters used to forecast and analyze the companies current and future growth. Like, The Companies involvement in foreign investment/collaboration or stake etc. and finally depending on these factors and many others, fundamental analysts have prepared certain fundamental ratios which will be used to forecast the company s current valuation, future growth prospects, its debt and many more things. Fundamental Ratios like - Debt equity ratio Based on these terms and other fundamentals terms, the analysts predict the movement of share prices whether it will be good investment or bad investment in coming future. Always good fundamental analysis is utilized for long term period. To understand more about these ratios and how to decide your good investments please go at How to analyze the company before investing 2) Technical Analysis Technical analysis is second analysis tool for short term or for day trading. As fundamental analysis is used for long term investments analysis likewise technical analysis is made for day trading or short term trading. Technical analysis is nothing but study of charts made of four important numbers which are open price of the share, high, low and closing price of the share. Technical analysis also make use of volumes, support and resistance levels, technical indicators and other parameters which are useful to analyze the share price movements in short term or in day trading. There are several factors and terms used in Technical analysis are discussed at Learn Basics of Technical Analysis Trading and investment types Day trading Buying and selling of shares on daily basis based on market movements, global market movements, technical analysis, and previous volumes and many other related parameters is called as day trading. If you are interested to learn more about day trading then please visit at Overview of Day Trading What is the meaning of Short Term Trading or investing Share trading done from one week to couple of months is called short term. Basically technical analysis is used for short term trading. But as it there is no any fixed criteria for trading some traders even do short term trading based on news, Company s announcements of quarterly results, news of merger and acquisitions etc Mid term Investing Share trading done from one month to couple of months, say six months to one year or two years is called mid term trading. Fundamental analysis, Company s announcements of quarterly results, are the basic parameters used for mid term trading or investing. Some technical analysis even make use fo technical charts and indicators for mid term trading. Long term Investing Investment for couple of years is called long term investing. Long term investment may continue from one year to 10 years or even more. Long term analysis is purely based on fundamental analysis of the company. But it doesn t mean that once you do the fundamental analysis and invest for 5 years and forget it. No. The financial quarterly results or half yearly results of the company should be revived and monitored how the company is performing. If you are interested to learn more about this then please visit at How to analyze the company before investing Disclaimer . Information presented on this site is a guide only. Puede que no sea necesariamente correcto y no pretende ser tomado como asesoramiento financiero ni ha sido preparado con respecto a las necesidades individuales de inversión y los objetivos o la situación financiera de cualquier persona en particular. Stock quotes are believed to be accurate and correctly dated, but daytradingshares does not warrant or guarantee their accuracy or date. daytradingshares takes no responsibility for any investment decisions based on recommendations provided on website. Financial contents like Technical charts, historical charts and quotes are taken from NSE and Yahoo sites. Note - All quotes are delayed by 15 minutes and unless specified. Google Adsense Ads are posted on every page of the website so visitors clicking on Ads and going to those links and carrying any financial deal is not at all related to daytradingshares and any financial deal should be done on their own sole responsibility. Please read at daytradingshares /disclaimer before using any material or advice given at daytradingshares how to invest in share market buy sell stock signals BSE, NSE, trading tips stock market indicators advice stock market investing day trading Free day trading stock pick education stock trading Free India share tips online share trading free stock market graphs stock market trend stock market trading software Free share market tips stock software market trend online stock trading stock market analysis software commodity trading day trading tools Free day trading tips Free Online Share Market Tips india market analysis earn money online free technical analysis stock market analysis share market courses stock market guide Free stock charts stock market indicators stock screener share market alerts technical analysis indicator nse bse day trading Free stock day trading tip stock market picks stock market chart free technical analysis software market prediction day trading stock stock market tools Free stock market trading tips stock day trading software Free day trading techniques technical analysis stock nse bse techniques stock software technical analysis charts Following terms can be used to search more information

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